Friday, 18 September 2009

What will the future hold for us?

This highly interesting presentation is not something to be frightened about, but to be aware of.

Nowadays and everytime more and more, multi-national companies are employing people without experience, that is, without memory. Why? Because they have never had before, the problems they have now. So they do not need conventional minds, but genious minds. And the genious mind consists of imagination, creativity and intuition. This is something a computer will never have.
We should make sure our students don't grow out of creativity, but develop the creativity they were born with. 

Here you will find some suggestions for using this presentation in class.

DotSUB is the place you want to go to upload your videos and create your subtitles in any language.(Most viewed)

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Go for it!

I would like to share a very inspiring text I found in the book In Your Hands: NLP in ELT, which I really recommend to all teachers.
Until one is committed, 
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectivess.

Concerning all acts of initiative
(and creation)
there is one elementary truth,
the ignorance of which
kills countless ideas
and splendid plans -
that the moment
one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred ...

I have learned a deep respect
for one of Goethe's couplets:
"Whatever you can do
 or dream you can, begin it
Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it."

Thank you very much to Pareeerica for sharing this amazing picture under a Creative Commons Licence.  

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Do schools kill creativity?

This is one of the best speeches I have ever heard about education and the importance of creativity in education.

It's hilarious, interesting, and you may like to listen to this case of a highly kinesthetic girl at school Gillian Lynne, a well-known multimillionare coreographer (Cats, Phantom of the Opera), who was diagnosed a learning disorder at school.

I absolutely agree with Sir Ken Robinson about the need to reshape the educational system which nowadays is still placing too much emphasis on the logico-mathematical, and linguistic intelligences.

This summer I had the chance to learn a bit more about the Multiple Intelligences Theory with Mario Rinvolucri thanks to a scholarship I received from the Generalitat de Catalunya. So I could attend a summer course in Pilgrims, University of Kent, in Canterbury, an experience I highly recommend: great trainers, great atmosphere, great campus.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

"Internet en el aula"

Images of first national congress: "Internet en el Aula" (feel free to join our group discussions in flickr)
More information: Congreso Nacional Internet en el AulaNing: Internet en el Aula.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Web 1.0 2.0 3.0

What will the future hold for us?
View more presentations from Sònia Turmo.